Hindutva Is A Threat To India!

Is It So?
Let's discuss about the statement :

i). The Hindus were unable to save 600 million Hindus from slaughter by the Muslims over a span of 800 years.

ii). The Hindus were unable to save the Demolition of 40,000 Hindu Temples from the hands of the Islamic invaders.

iii). The Hindus were unable to stop the Forceful Conversion of millions of Hindus.

iv). The Hindus were unable2save d Hindus from d hands of all invaders,&unable2save d invasion of India frm d Portuguese,French,Britishers, Christians&Muslims.

v). The Hindus were unable2stop d Partition dat was voted by d SecularMuslims of India in1947.

vi). The Hindus were unable to defend the Ethnic Cleansing of Millions of #KashmiriPandits since the 13th Century.

vii). The Hindus were unable to stop the Ethnic Cleansing of the Hindus from Bangladesh and Pakistan.

viii). The Hindus Never invaded or bombed non-Hindu countries, never forcefully converted non-Hindus into Hinduism, never demolished #Shrines and places of #ReligiousWorship of non-Hindus.

ix). The Hindus never slaughtered non-Hindus to death for not accepting the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, and for establishing Hinduism.

"Then How Exactly A Hindus Turned
To Hindutvas?"

a). Compared2other religions across the world,Hinduism is said2be the most tolerant one. The trademark of Hinduism is “Tolerance In Abundance”. It's because of the preaches of the Hindutvas “Acceptance Of All Faiths” reflects d tollerence of Hinduism in itself

b). The Hindus become Hindutvas for Protecting the Cultures, the rituals, the traditions, and the customs of India.

c). The Hindus become Hindutvas for following the proper belief system of Hinduism And Humanity Of Life

d). The Hindus become Hindutva for fighting for the rights of Hindus. Ex. #MahaRanaPratap

e). The Hindus become Hindutva for defending Hinduism from invasion and conversation

f). The Hindus become Hindutva for retaliating against the Enemies of Hinduism.


The History Of Hindutva:

i). When Zoroastrians were persecuted by the Jihadis, the Hindus gave them the refuge.

ii). When Communist China started persecuting the Buddhists, the Hindus gave them the refuge.

iii). When the liberal world was persecuting the Jews, the Hindus gave them the refuge.

We have tolerated much, now we will oppose whoever will come in our way to whitewash the Dharma and our civilization.

No matter what d enemies of Hinduism rant,Hindutva is not d Hindu version of Jihad becoz Hindus R d protector of #Humanity as aforementioned.

This time we won't wait for d Karma.

This time we will fight 4 establishing the righteous Dharma. #JaiHind🚩🌹🌹

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