I DEEPLY care about the safety of my neighbors and community. I mourn with those who have lost family members to this senseless violence and stand with those who have been harmed. Real justice to those impacted is to actually STOP the violence.
This can only be done through a “both/and” approach - community members and orgs, service providers, and targeted law enforcement all working alongside one another. Simply adding more officers without a plan is business as usual, which hasn’t kept our people safe.
Our broken criminal justice system breaks up families and just churns people through the system without any real change or increase in safety. In fact, it actually makes us LESS safe. It is irresponsible to continue dumping money into it w/no plan or accountability.
I remain committed to leading with my values of real justice, responsible stewardship of public resources, & building a peaceful community. We do that with a both/and. Demanding that means we care MORE not less about safety in our city bc we want to keep ppl *actually* safe.
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