Motherboard Cities
Harnessing the Consciousness of Humanity

In the Ancient Past, until the Current Day, and into the Far Future, the ultimate Concept of the “City” will always be the same, as a kind of Motherboard that harnesses and stores the Flow of Consciousness. Look at the
picture of a layout of a Pyramid/Temple system in Ancient Egypt. See how the Computer “Motherboards” of Today’s day and age are an exact replica, on a smaller scale. As above, so below.

Cities are Mega-Computers, and our individual Souls are the bits of “Data” which flow from
system to system, all in accordance with the Computer’s Ultimate Design. In the distant Past, Free Energy Technology was a commonplace part of society, and the various Pyramids which dotted every continent upon the Earth were directing unseen Rays of Energy used to power the
various Aerial Vimanas (Temple Chariots of the Skies), as well as endless other applications, including Healing.

Now look at the photographs of the City of Las Vegas lit up at night, as seen from the air. Cities such as these are Exact replicas of the intricate systems of
Energy Flow and Exchange as seen in a Computer’s Motherboard. But what exactly has changed? In the times of Ancient Egypt (and far before), Consciousness was understood as a Science relating to the Powers of the Sun, and the Plane of Sharon (Realm of Light). This is the
non-physical Dimension that we have the ability to access through the cultivation of Deep Meditation, Universal Compassion, and other techniques, including the use of mono-atomic gold.

However, in today’s Cities all of the Glories of the Past have been intentionally distorted
Inverted. At the onset of the 21st century AD, the world is a very different place than it used to be. Thousands of years of warring kingdoms finally have culminated in the tangled knot of a new kind of secretive “one world leadership” which camouflages itself similar to one of
those monstrous-looking deep-sea creatures.

The “first-world” nations dangle a seemingly bright and delicious light for all the rest of the world to see and emulate, when in reality it is all an illusion to bring the mind of every human being into a similar allegiance, to that
of the new god of the fallen world societies, who they call Money. The ancient name was Mammon, and this force of consciousness had become as a plague, over-running everything in its path. Mammon’s clever trick was that of pretending to be an ally, a helper, a friend, when in
reality Mammon’s only goal is to remain in power through brute force, an endless cycle of bondage and suffering, feeding but one: Mammon.

In the Ancient Past, as in the Upcoming Future, Cities will be Harnessers of a Positive, selfless Consciousness which exists to promote
Truth, Love, Wisdom and Beauty (our Natural Condition). At the current moment in time, we are the end of the Age of Kali (Darkness), and this Paradigm is symbolized in the mechanism of our Cities. The Lights and the Roadways all feed Mammon, for in this current age nothing may
exist without “Flowing through” the Operations of Money (Mammon).

All this Is Changing, and soon Mammon will no longer be the “Programmer” of the System. Instead of Flowing Through the Operations of Money, society will learn to Re-Align itself with the Principles of Nature
and Harmony, Life, Liberty and Freedom. The form of the New Mega-Cities will become more Organic in Nature, a reflection of Nature rather than an Inversion away from Nature. When this finally occurs, the Golden Age will have formally begun.
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