Legions are an important cornerstone of so many communities in Canada. Almost every village & town once had a local branch. They were opened as sanctuary spaces after WWI for the half a million returning vets. They were also key in advocating for the rights of veterans. /1
Unfortunately, Legion branches have been struggling to keep their doors open for years - and the pandemic has only made it harder. This year so far: 20 Legions have closed; 124 are at risk of closing; and 357 are struggling financially. /2
In total, nearly 40% of Canada's Legions may not survive to 2021. For an institution that often serves as a community hub, this is heartbreaking - they host wedding receptions, community dinners, karaoke, euchre tournaments, birthdays and, of course, Remembrance events. /3
Many of the problems impacting Legions are similar to those affecting all businesses during this pandemic, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution to this issue. But I do want our governments to prioritize them in their recovery plans. /4
Legions are the heart of so many Canadian communities. They are critical in advocating for the rights of our veterans, and they also provide gathering spaces for so many more residents of our communities. /5
I believe that every single person should have access to the resources needed to not only survive, but thrive. And that's why it breaks my heart when governments refuse to provide the necessary benefits to returning vets they sent overseas to fight. /6
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