As of tonight, I’ve been alcohol free for 500 days. Here’s what I’ve learned ⬇️
First of all, can I just say, you don’t need to explain why you gave up drinking. It’s no one else’s fucking business.
While I drink very few alcohol alternatives, AF red wine is much nicer than AF white wine (who knew?). And Birra Moretti does a cracking AF beer that actually tastes like beer.
My anxiety has not totally gone, but not having the fear of what I could have said while I was drunk is v v nice to go without. And also, without drink my head is just less “blurred”? If you know what I mean.
Before *looks around* all this this year, I found I didn’t stop going out, but I certainly left events earlier. At a certain point, if your pals are drunk, you realise you only understand drunk people when you are also, in fact, a drunk person. Also early nights are well nice.
When you first give up alcohol you may get a sweet tooth (I don’t / didn’t really have one, but you soon crave sugar when you remove it from your diet, and there’s a fair amount in some alcoholic drinks).
The mental and physical capacity I now have to exercise is out of this world. And I now love it. And have lost weight and toned up. You can find out more about this on my OnlyFans™️

(JKs, I don’t have an OnlyFans™️)
And, of course, you will save money (surprise!). For me, I work that out to be over £6,000 (and there are apps such as “Quit That!” to help you track this), based on an average spend on alcohol plus drunk food / hangover food etc etc.
Finally, a reminder, if you choose to give up alcohol, that’s your business. I would like to normalise not asking people about why we give up booze.
The end.
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