avatar: the anti-native sentiment—a thread
throughout both avatar: the last airbender and avatar: the legend of korra, there have been moments where the characters, plot, or storylines have been implicitly–if not explicitly–anti-native.
in “the fortune teller” meng calls katara a “floozy” because aang likes her. in “ember island players” her character on stage has a low-cut dress with a thigh slit. native women are sexualized all the time and these episodes are only perpetuating it.
i’m assuming bryke approved the writing for the comics so why would they allow this when sokka’s shown many times in animal pelts? animal pelts are a means to survive, especially in the south pole. it’s part of his culture to wear animal pelts so why is he disgusted by it now?
hama is villainized for her trauma and i’m inclined to believe that because they made hama evil, they decided to portray bloodbending as evil too.
bryke believed that torturing korra was a necessity for her to learn compassion.
katara is made out to be the bad guy in “north and south” for wanting to preserve the traditions and architecture of her tribe.
so many water tribe people in the legend of korra were villains and so many of them died.
only one out of katara and aang’s kids bothered to learn about water tribe culture even though all three of them are half water tribe, half air nomad.
kya is the only one who looks anything like their mother. neither tenzin nor bumi have darker skin tones or water tribe features. (neither do tenzin’s kids)
the villains that were water tribe also died brutal deaths (ming hua and amon).
the waterbender legacy (in katara and aang’s family) started with katara and ended with kya. none of her grandkids are waterbenders.
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