The latest @wintergatan video touched on a very important message for creatives, don’t worry about the end goal, worry about the process.

When I studied under Teresa Barta, she made us do this strange exercise without explaining it...
She setup an obstacle course in the class, a bunch of chairs and desks stacked all over each other, very intimidating on its own. She then filled a glass of water to the very rim and instructed us to carry the glass over the obstacles and not spill one drop. If we did, we failed.
One by one, we tried, and we all spilled. I spilled too. One student managed to make it across and she stopped the exercise. She asked us all one by one, what we focused on. Our answers were similar, getting to end without spilling. But the one student was different...
He said, “I focused on every step, on every move, and made sure to watch the water in the cup and how it moved.” Her reply, “You were the only one who focused on the process and not the goal.”
It’s easy to get caught up on the end product. You want your project to be as good as possible, but only those who break things down and focus on what they should be doing at that moment end up with something truly worthwhile. Don’t worry about the goal, worry about the process.
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