I covered this case, and there a few facts I'd like to mention
1 https://twitter.com/BBCSportsound/status/1326569591942864896
There was a great deal of evidence against Mr Green and the others in the case, the indictment was 25 pages and very detailed.
But, as it turned out, much of the allegations came from documents seized by the City of London police, acting on behalf of the Scottish police, during a raid on the offices of accountancy firm Duff and Phelps
For some reason, and this has never been explained, the normal procedure of only looking at documents that were not legally privileged (the right of confidentiality between a client and their lawyers) was not followed.
When the presiding judge in the case found this out, he blew a gasket. And demanded the Crown explain, they couldn't, and the evidence was all thrown out.
None of this means there was no evidence against Mr Green and his associates, there was lots, but as it was unlawfully obtained it was not allowed to be used, and the Crown knew that at still proceeded.
(And that was one of the reasons the charges against Craig Whyte ended up being so weak, so he also left court without a stain on his character)
I'll conclude, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and the lack of convictions therefore mean Green, Whyte et al are the innocent.
The tragedy is, no court ever got to hear the full story, and supporters of Rangers especially never got to find out what really happened.
(As a ps, we didn't report any of this at the time as there was still the jury trial of Craig Whyte to come, so for obvious reasons, we couldn't publish anything. Then after Whyte was acquitted, it became a defamation issue to even report the original indictment)
So it's unlikely the full story will ever come out, which is sad, but that's just how it works sometimes.
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