Why Reece James is better than AWB and TAA (Stats and General Thoughts)
People are always on about Trent being generational and world class and AWB being a better RB than Reece well in this quick thread I’ll tell you why Reece is the better full back.

Things to look in a full back:

Aerial ability
Here's a stats table I created including stats per 90 and success %'s from the 19/20 and 20/21 season so far.

Defensive Stats...
Attacking Stats...
My thoughts on Trent:

I think Trent is an amazing player but he's very overrated by Liverpool fans and to be honest, just people in general. They talk about him being a good attacking full back when he can barely even attack. Sure his deliveries are world class and he's one...
of the most creative full backs I've ever watched but he can't attack. His on the ball ability isn't great and we can see this by using the Dribble Success rate in which he ranks 2nd out of the 3. These generational shouts are going way too far. I rate his crossing, ...
passing range, vision and technical ability (passing) but he isn't a world class full back. The obvious weakness is his defensive incapabilities. I've spoken to a lot of Liverpool fans who say that his defending is underrated but it truly is just fairly rated. His positioning is.
nowhere near world class and physically he doesn't match the likes of AWB and Reece. He is a very talented player but in a unatural position. He's make a terrific creative midfielder. His output is definetly world class though that's for sure and here are my thoughts on that...
Trent gets A WHOLE lot of help from Virgil, even though he's a LCB, having a player like him to marshal the defence helps a lot. The system also covers up Trent's defensive frailties but at the same time shows a lot of his ability to deliver the ball from the wide areas.
My thoughts on AWB:

I think Wan-Bissaka is also a good full back but he's very limited. I don't think it was a signing that suited the way United wanted to play (attacking full backs). He is rock solid defensively but his positioning can get a bit...
sloppy at times. He makes a lot of tackeles and when fit he doesn't give the winger much time and space to settle with. He's clearly the better defensive full back statistically. His attacking is quite something though 😬. I don't think he's great on the ball and when...
he attacks he seems very hesitant to get forward. His output is better than Reece which isn't surprising for me considering the finishers Chelsea had last season. He's fast, he's strong and has that defensive killer instinct but I still think Reece is the full back I'd much...
rather have in my defence.

My thoughts on Reece James:

I did a thread a few days back and it contanins everything on what I think about him... https://twitter.com/CFCKhanage/status/1324773932394782727?s=20

This was a very bried thread and I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Vote who YOU think is the best full back out of these 3...
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