We are massively failing students in college and grad school now -- Covid didn't cause; but exposed brightly. College was always more about a credential than learning, but at least some learning happened. Virtual learning has accelerated this decline. /1
Research shows that learning in a classroom leads to about 10% knowledge retention rates. But move that same classroom online and it falls to less than 5%... 50% reduction. Take away grades (which many schools have done) and learning outcomes/investment are even worse. /2
This creates 'first job' consequences where grads will be put into a challenge situation (remote/hybrid work + tough economy) and perhaps the worst learning outcomes in college/grad school in a century. /3
Professors and instructors are told to 'do your best' which means try to teach virtually, but engagement in virtual learning environment settings is very weak from students. Professors I speak to see 10-30% of students turn cameras on unless they require it. /4
Group projects are a huge challenge and tests are difficult to administer. With fewer internships, the opportunity to demonstrate real knowledge or build a portfolio has vanished, accelerating the challenge for 2020-2022 grads. /5
It's a structural issue with current education. We need to create more 'portfolio creating' courses, programs and systems for current and recent grads. It's easier for technical grads (CS, design), but near impossible for humanities, business, social sciences, etc. /6
Graduates I've hired nearly all have something on their portfolio (a) substantial, (b) niche, and (c) requires engagement outside academia. Article series, podcasts/audio shows, video courses, virtual conferences, books, etc. But very few do this, and schools don't support. /7
If you're a college or grad student in this boat, I'm going to open up my Creators course in December to anyone who wants to develop, create & launch a scripted podcast, audio show or video course. Coaching from a script editor + me. I'm teaching free, cost sub $250 for editor /8
Grads are entering into a challenging economy with little to no wiggle room for mistakes. And we've setup them up to fail. Being able to listen to a zoom lecture isn't preparing you for work. Need projects to work problem solving muscles (and fast). /end
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