On this #VeteransDay we want to share a story from Ranger Brian in the fee booth:
A Gulf War vet and a disabled Vietnam vet came to my booth today, after telling them how they could visit the park for free, I thanked them for their service and they drove away. (1/4)
5 min later one of them returned and handed me this small rocking chair, explaining that it was something he and other veterans make out of discarded cans. He thanked me for my help, told me he appreciated my gratitude toward them and recited the text attached to the chair. (2/4)
"This chair was made from a beverage can, after it was drained by a thirsty man, and flung by the roadside as litterbugs will, instead of leaving it lying there still, we picked it up as a matter of duty, and turned the trash into a thing of beauty". (3/4)
We thank veterans for their willingness to serve this nation & appreciate that the sense of duty that leads one to military service might be the same that leads one to pick up trash on the roadside--stepping in where others might not to preserve & protect a land they love. (4/4)
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