How Do Entrepreneurs deal with Failure?

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From my experience failure is a necessary stepping stone towards something good, towards success. How can you truly taste the sweetness of success without knowing what failures taste like?
I always say that the first rule of entrepreneurship should be: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COMPLAIN OR GIVE UP FOR 1000 DAYS. The first 3 years of any venture are the hardest. That time period is full of necessary ups and downs (you have to be clear on your mission and vision).
The only way to always run with success is to learn to profit from failure - $M @The_SmartMoney

It's important to understand that “overnight success” takes years to develop. Entrepreneurs struggle and go through all kinds of complications during their journey. When entrepreneurs achieve their goals it is usually through persistence and resilience.
Entrepreneurs must be positive, optimistic, and always recognize the potential opportunities that come from any setback. They understand that difficulties are usually just temporary storms; sooner or later, storms become rainbows and success is bound to happen.
These are the best ways to deal with failure as an entrepreneur:

Use rejection as a springboard.
Deal with your emotions and develop a thick skin.
Use reminders to maintain an optimistic attitude.
See failure as the beginning of something greater.
Be honest with yourself.
If something is not working, change it.
Everything that happens, good or bad, is a new learning experience.
Always develop plans and contingencies.
To be a successful entrepreneur you must focus on the things that you can control. You need to understand that it can take multiple tweaks for a business to finally find the right profit formula, but eventually, it becomes a system of success.
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