#CLST6 #RR20 In considering this question, I thought of two main differences. The first relates to the city layout. In old already established cities, Romans could not impose organized city grids. They had to work within the confines of the city (1). https://twitter.com/FlintCLST6/status/1326218811268341761
In newly established cities, however, the Romans would build upon neatly organized lines. Buildings would be confined to city blocks and the entrance to the city would be framed by an arch (2). This organization can be seen in the city ruins of Timgad pictured below.
The second difference relates to a change in building priority. Citizens of new Roman colonies demanded entertainment. For this reason, "theaters and amphitheaters were constructed in many of the most important cities" (3).
The city of Merida is a good example. Merida was established in 25 BC and began construction on a Roman theater and amphitheater by 16 BC (4). These entertainment buildings were in high demand. The picture show the remains of the theater/amphitheater at Merida.
1) Flint Dibble's Video:
2) Flint Dibble's Video:
3) "A History of Roman Art" by Fred S. Kleiner 2nd Edition (pg. 127).
4) Roman Art 2nd Edition (pg. 128-129).
First Image from Flint Dibble's video:
Second Image: Roman Art Enhanced Edition (fig. 7-13).
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