Short thread for the display of the power & mobility of the human body.

Here is an impressive video of a ballerina's foot mobility.
Another ballerina from a different point of view.

Excellent flexibility & movement potential of toes. How many can say they have this much range of motion in their feet? And look at that pinky toe control.
Ido Portal demonstrating interesting dynamics of the stomach muscles. Anybody can do this. You can find a teacher that will show you how. This type of motion has been practised by Yogis for centuries.
Slow motion capture of Usain Bolt's sprinting form. I can watch this over & over & learn something new e/time.
Healthy & functional diaphragm breathing slowly & deeply.
Diaphragm of a person with weak & failing diaphragmatic muscles. This person has a disease that effects the diaphragm, but I'm not sure of the details.
Masai peoples from Africa jumping in slow motion.

Some of the most active & healthy people on the planet living close to the way nature intended. Their verticle range is tremendous, and their legs are powerful. A sight to behold.
19th Century Australian aboriginal. Look at that posture. This is what your posture would begin to look like if you walk 10+ miles e/day to hunt & forage.
That's it for now. Will possibly add more later.
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