I wonder what prevented this damning report from a Parliamentary Ctte on Black people racism and human rights https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt5801/jtselect/jtrights/559/55903.htm#_idTextAnchor000, from coming out a couple of weeks ago, especially given what it says about @EHRC's failures. Oddly I can't find @keirstarmer's comment on it yet.
In the summary it says: "The failings of successive governments to act in response to the successive reports and reviews shows that something is wrong with the architecture which is supposed to protect human rights and promote racial equality. We find that
the EHRC has been unable to adequately provide leadership and gain trust in tackling racial inequality in the protection and promotion of human rights. For the EHRC to be, and be seen to be, effective Black people must be represented at the top level of the organisation,
including as commissioners... Even if the EHRC’s capacity to promote and protect Black people’s human rights is enhanced... there would still be the need for a high profile, organisation at national level whose priority it is to champion and press for progress on race equality.
This capacity has not existed since the Commission for Racial Equality was folded into the EHRC." It does leave you wondering about the quality of their work in areas of equality affecting other groups, where this failed leadership accuses others of failures. Hmmm.
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