1. We DO NOT have two presidents at the same time.  Biden's boorish conduct, holding policy press conferences, attending official events, discussing foreign policy with heads' of state, etc., is truly appalling.  And the media are encouraging this, of course.
2. Biden has no respect for the constitutional system, and it is HE is an embarrassment and defying the constitution and the law.  The electoral process -- with state canvassing, recounts, and litigation -- is not over.  It takes more than 8 days.
3. And the serious issues are ubiquitous due, in part, to the premeditated pre-November 3 litigation strategies of the Biden campaign, the Democrat Party, and their surrogates in over 300 lawsuits they brought to change the rules and weaken election safeguards.
4. Biden's "president-elect" declarations are truly the stuff of a tyrant.  God forbid, should he become president, it is clear he will govern the same way as it is the way of the radical Left.  While this is an uphill fight, it is a fight that MUST go forward!
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