1. I cannot overstate how important these Trump Campaign lawsuits are to uncovering fraud -- systemic fraud in many of these Democrat-machine and controlled cities and states, where the courts are just as corrupt.
2. This is a truly important process that is uncovering decades and decades of fraudulent processes and especially changes in security voting measures in the last few months leading up to the November 3 general election.
3. And the more the Democrat-Party media, the Democrat operatives, and Biden and his mouthpieces squawk, you know the more important this entire effort is.
4. This is a huge undertaking, it is only day 8, and that a full month less than Gore took in 2000 to litigate his bogus cases, which was supported by the media and the Democrats.
5. There's a great deal of evidence of individual cases of fraud, systemic fraud efforts, and unconstitutional actions by Democrat officials, both elected and appointed (including the PA supreme court).
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