i wrote a thing. we can't go on like this. https://twitter.com/insidehighered/status/1326374600389824517
findings from summer 2020 global survey of university instructors:
- fewer than 1 in 10 of us *always* read the Terms of Service on new classroom tools we're trying
- 2/3 of us don't know where the servers for our LMS are housed (thus what laws govern student data)
this is NOT an indictment of educators.

TOS aren't written to be read & even edtech tools don't explain their own pedagogical implications.

our institutions have LMS data policies, we just don't hear about them.

but the lack of clarity reflects a sector-wide data literacy gap.
why does this matter? esp now that we're SO online?

"In exchanging the familiar walls of the classroom for digital platforms, we’ve handed over control of the core structures of higher education to systems...designed for data extraction and profit." https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/university-venus/why-higher-ed-needs-data-ethics
"We need a policy approach to data ethics & we need it now. The landscape of data privacy has been framed as a technical & legal issue, when the reality is an ethical one: students...are subject to being tracked & surveilled by learning platforms in the course of daily studies."
"Just as higher education developed sector-wide ethical norms and protocols governing research on human subjects, over the twentieth century, so too it’s now time for academia to develop ethics-based policy surrounding the data that our institutions generate every day."
we instituted sector-wide research ethics in the 20th century.

now - as classrooms become datafied spaces designed by/for corporate interests - we need a broad, collaborative, pedagogically-focused data ethics backbone.

to protect students, educators, & the higher ed mandate.
educators and faculty are knowledge workers.

our lack of knowledge about the datafied underpinnings of our 'classrooms' & institutions matters to our capacity to engage in shared governance...& to teach students to engage with the systems surrounding us all.

i'd like to see IT & instructional designers & educators & senior admin & ethics specialists & learners all sit down together to build broad data ethics protocols for higher ed.

our institutions are designed for that NOT to happen. maybe it's time to shift that.
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