I’m a straight woman who doesn’t EVER want to have sex with another woman, trans man or a trans woman in possession of a penis. It doesn’t mean I hate lesbians, trans men or trans women. It means I know what I’m sexually attracted to. 1/
Trying to convince, coerce or blackmail someone to “try” something that they’re sexually not comfortable with, is tantamount to rape. If someone doesn’t want to shag you, get the fuck over yourself. 2/
It’s not other people responsibility to bed you, for your validation. It’s not anyone’s responsibility to make you feel better about yourself. Sexual preference isn’t a choice, it’s a natural state. Gay men don’t CHOOSE to be attracted to their own sex, they’re born that way. 3/
Lesbians don’t CHOOSE to be attracted to their own sex, they’re born that way. Straight people don’t CHOOSE to be attracted to people of the opposite sex, they’re born that way. Do you see where I’m going with this? 4/
Being repulsed and put off, sexually, by someone else’s genitalia is actually quite normal, even within sexual preference categories. I’ve been repulsed by men I’ve dated and broke things off. If someone doesn’t ring your bell, they don’t ring your bell. 5/
If you don’t ring their bell, back the fuck off and stay away. No one likes a creep, regardless of their sexuality. Take a telling, understand and accept that you’re not wanted. No one OWES you. Society doesn’t OWE you. 6/
The only ones OBSESSED with genitals, are the ones trying insert theirs where they’re not wanted. Sexual attraction is as old as humanity, stop trying to change it for your own validation. Stop claiming your fighting for equality when your looking for patriarchal domination. /end
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