Thread. Though enrollment is just one aspect of meaningful integration, the zoning and re-zoning of school districts plays a critical role in our city's educational landscape. Long Island City’s school rezoning process starts on November 16th and here's why that matters. 1/
A new school building is under construction in Hunter's Point, and the DOE is considering rezoning much of Long Island City, including Court Square, Hunter’s Point, Queensboro Plaza, Queensbridge, and Ravenswood. 2/
The last time Long Island City schools were re-zoned, Queensbridge was redlined out of most of the new schools in Hunters Point. This is another example of the very long history NYC has of using zoning to exclude and disempower bipoc communities. 3/
Far too often, zoning decisions - which are lead by Community Education Councils - are made without significant involvement from parents—especially parents who are NYCHA tenants. These families should not only be involved but be centered in these processes. 4/
Tonight we are hosting a meeting to learn more about how - through participatory action research like that conducted in Red Hook and District 15 - to meaningfully include our public housing family in the re-zoning of Long Island City. You can register at 
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