Today we’re publishing the results of our review of support for our students during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have spoken to many in our community and their experiences helped inform this report. We are immensely grateful for their time and energy (thread)
We know this year has been extremely difficult for students. Many research projects have been disrupted by lockdown and social distancing and it may be some time before conditions for access to resources and labs and for field work return to normal.
We are therefore advising all students funded by UKRI, including those on grants from any of the seven research councils, to speak to their supervisors about how to adjust their project to complete a doctoral-level qualification within their funded period.
We recognise that, even after adapting, some students will not be able to complete within their current funded period. We are providing some additional funding for those in most need, such as students whose final year of funding ends on or before 30 September
Students with ongoing support needs – including disabled students, those with long term illnesses, those who are neurodivergent, or have caring responsibilities - may also still be disproportionally feeling the effect of the pandemic.
We have therefore asked research organisations to prioritise students within these groups who are not able to adapt their project in order to be able to finish within their funding period.
We are determined that reduced doctoral outputs as a result of the pandemic should not be seen to diminish standards in doctoral education.
Other key findings:

The original policy was developed in an uncertain and rapidly evolving environment. Our review highlights the need for us to communicate clearly with senior university leaders for research and talent – and especially doctoral education – and with students.
We also encourage universities to ensure continued access to the Disabled Student Allowance, and mental health and wellbeing support services – these are crucial for high-quality, inclusive doctoral training.
UKRI is emailing the students it funds with a series of questions they should discuss with their supervisor. Supervisors with questions should talk to their grant holder.
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