I have seen a lot of misinformation spread regarding spotify playlisting since DYNAMITE so I'm making this thread and try to clear all confusion. We can have a discussion on this here so please help by interacting with this tweet. If you have any doubts then do ask. #8DaystoBE
1. Fillers between focused track(s) - Min 2 max 4. You don't have to keep 4 fillers, maybe once in a playlist and that will do.

2. Non-bts tracks in a playlist - it is not necessary to have non bts tracks in your playlists.
You can use a pl that contains only BTS tracks at the same time you can use pl that contains non bts tracks as well. Don't force yourself to stream other artists, you can stream it you want or if you dont want then you dont have to. It's your personal choice.
3.Streaming albums - stream albums but do not loop albums. You can stream albums multiple times in a day but remember to NOT LOOP the album. Prioritize streaming title track focused playlists because we need to get the highest number of streams for it. If we stream only albums+
then we wont be album to get enough streams for LGO and only get the same number of streams as the other tracks. We want to chart all the songs from the album but we also want LGO to be #1 on the charts.
4. Pattern - we always stressed on having variations in the pattern of a focused playlist. Recently there has been a lot of discussions on that but I personally will continue to NOT REPEAT pattern in my playlists. Let me know what you think about this too.
5. Length of the playlist - Any length of playlist works fine AS LONG AS YOU INTERACT WITH THE PLAYLIST. if you stream a playlist that is more than 4 hours and do not interact with it then there is a heavy chance of filteration which is why using short playlists is suggested +
when we use short pl we move to another pl after it ends which is a kind of interaction. Interaction can be - skipping songs, adding songs to queue, switching to another pl without completing the pl etc.
6. Why shuffling focused pl is a big NO - Focused pl have tracks multiple times added so while shuffling a pl there is a high chance that the pattern of the playlists will disfunction. The fillers you add will be of no use and focused track might get played in a loop which is a +
common occurence when you shuffle focused pl. Also you can shuffle albums, because there is no track repeated in an album which means no risk of looping.

7. What is important while streaming on spotify - Interact with pl, remember to NOT LOOP tracks, no shuffling of playlists.
8. Please do not stream any random pl that you see here. Make sure that you are streaming an ideal playlist. If you are unsure about a pl then please stream pl provided by fanbases. Fanbases provide numerous pl that are safe to use so please stream those playlists.
Remember to be kind to armys who are not educated about streaming. If they ask you a very basic question then please help them out instead of mocking them for not knowing something very simple. Remember that some are slow learners, some are fast learners, some cant speak +
language that you know so help each other and avoid being aggresive. Dont scream at fanbases or big accounts that make mistakes, remember that they are humans running those accounts and please do not scream at US ARMY ffs. Let us all enjoy this cb.
Please let me know if there is any confusion. Let's clear all our doubts before the CB. If you see any typo do ignore🤡
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