FVV today on The Old Man pod.

“I don’t have a home right now in Toronto I was renting. I moved all my stuff out over the summer in the bubble so I don’t have a home there now”

On free agency:

“2 years ago, I knew I was going back to Toronto, I had a couple of other teams kicking the tires. We took a couple of calls at midnight, but Toronto came with the right deal at the right time and it was done in a couple of hours”.
“This time around it’s just preparing yourself, pros/cons of each place, where the numbers could fall... it’s all a lot of posturing right now, no real negotiating until FA starts. We have an idea, but you don’t really know until the offer is on the table”
Fred, on the decision making process:

“I’m not shy about that, I’m trying to get paid man. I value winning, Ive won a championship, now it’s time to cash out. Its not purely numbers but at the end of the day I just want to feel my value reciprocated in the the other side”
“I’m a business man at heart, I do value certain things when it comes to choosing between teams that are offering the same number”
Fred, on playing PG:

“I’m an ambitious guy, I would love to run a team some day, and that will play a factor. But I have one of those situations where all things can be true. I can stay with TO, share with Kyle and Pascal... my ego isn’t that big I need the ball in my hands”
On TO, and consistent excellence, and flexibility:

“It’s not easily recreatable, you have to have the personnel. From management to coaches players ballboys,, we’ve built that the last 4 years I’ve been there and probably before.. it’s not impossible to replicate, but it’s hard”
Out of the options TO has been presented, Fred’s choice if not Toronto is Tampa for this coming season.
Fred basically puts Toronto in the same league of places like Miami and LA in terms of places ppl in the NBA love to party, in not so many words, by explaining how unrealistic it would be to expect players visiting Toronto to not leave their rooms.
Fred’s step dad just got out of the hospital last week, from covid. His mom has covid too.
Fred, on the G league:

“It gave me a F-U attitude, I was so pissed off about going, bc I felt I was good enough to play! So I was trying to show that on a nightly basis, it was getting me sharper more prepared”
Fred on TO development:

“They just care man. They put in resources, they care about who’s coaching, the entire organization from the bottom to the top watches the games, the practices. They’re paying attention bc the goal is not to have you down there, they want you to grow”
TA: What was your thoughts when you heard about the Kawhi trade

FVV: I was mad as shit! I was hot. I was hot. DD came to be a really close friend of mine. I was hurt, I was with DD in Vegas a week before... NN had a dinner for us, & gave a speech we would run it back. Jak too.
On the shot:

“I was right there on the bench and when it went in I was so relieved, because I played like dogshit in that series. I was like YES, I get another chance, 4 more games to prove it!”
Everyone thinks that the all business mentality was Kawhi’s influence thru the playoffs.

According to Fred:

“You have Kyle micromanaging everybody, like ‘no shut up! Don’t celebrate, don’t say nothing! We haven’t done anything yet! What are you smiling for why are you happy!’”
Fred had some great thoughts on evolving as a man leader at the end of the show. Amazing interview as always, we are so lucky to have FVV.
He also at separate times spoke on the importance of gelling as a team (the Heat this year, Raptors last year) to making it thru the playoffs.

And at one time he mentioned being able to see now the reason a favoured team may not make the finals, might lose a 3-1 lead.

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