1/Trump was elected as a political outsider and because of his charisma and his business acumen. Unfortunately, much of this was and remains a charade, with no more reality to it than the "boardroom" set of his reality TV show.
2/People often say, "Run the country as a business." But you can't fire citizens, and businesses recognize healthy employees are more productive. Thus many healthcare plans provide for preventative care. Turns out an ounce of prevention actually is worth a pound of cure.
3/And as businessmen go, he's pretty terrible. He's reneged on contracts, employed slave labor, cheated on his taxes, and bankrupted a casino. A CASINO. Thus, no Iran deal, no NK deal, a lackluster USMCA, no healthcare, no Israel/Palestine peace. Let's face it. He sucks at this.
4/And his wall? It was a campaign slogan that caught on and he was stuck with. He had no idea the complexities involved. Thus, 17 miles of NEW barrier and a shitload of replacements, with a lot of destroyed natural parks, archeological sites, and confiscated private property.
5/And the economy. The trade deficit is higher than ever. Tariffs increased consumer prices and required billions in farming bailouts. Manufacturing moved to Vietnam, not the U.S.. Debt and deficits skyrocketed, because growth didn't come close to paying for the tax cuts.
6/Promised 4% GDP (or higher!) averaged a pedestrian 2.5% pre-COVID (even Obama's was 2.4%) and dropped to an anemic 1.8% by 3Q20. And China's nowhere close to upholding its Phase 1 deal, and Phase 2 and beyond are dead. Permanent corporate tax cuts set records for share buybacks
7/Share buybacks boosted stocks and enriched executives but didn't add new U.S. infrastructure or jobs. Meanwhile Iran aligned with China and attacked a U.S. airbase, NK introduced its largest ballistic missile ever, and 800 ISIS prisoners escaped when we abandoned the Kurds.
8/We continue to subsidize finite oil, coal, and gas supplies granting greater permissions to destroty ecosystems while polluting the air and water, calling them "cheap", even though there's nothing cheap about drilling 3.5 mi into the seabed beneath a mile of ocean water.
9/Instead we denigrate renewables (suddenly we care about birds and, apparently, windmills cause cancer), while China takes the lead in solar manufacturing.

American leadership collapses, our health declines, our economy is meh, oh, and we have a pandemic.

We can do better.
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