Quite the 2 year delta today.
Nothing can stop what is coming!
2 year delta.
Read this and tell me again why I should believe that @realDonaldTrump was unprepared for what has happened...
And it gets better!
Remember all of the placeholders set up on Patriots Fight?
That was done on 11/11/2018!
This was posted on 12/02/2018 ABOUT 11/11/2018.
Remember the waves that spread across our Planet on 11/11/18?
What could have caused that? A world united.
Trust the plan, enjoy the show, keep the faith and hold the line!
1 year deltas.
2 technical drops. Declass?
These 2 tweets, Potus confirmations. You can still see these tweets, amazingly. I tried recording the screen, but twitter is throttling me.
America will be unified again.
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.
Calm Before The Storm.
October 2017 for both.
Be ready, Patriots.
This tweet has been removed.
Why has the msm targeted an anonymous internet poster so consistently and harshly?
Looking Glass allows them to look forward.
Relevant today.
Would those trying to steal this election need assistance from a certain agency?
Define deep state.
Indictments coming.
Trust the plan.
Guys, I missed one from 2018!
The Veterans Day post.
God bless our incredible Veterans!
Thank you for your service to us!
You can follow @AnonymousAda.
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