If you're wondering whether the president's strategy of alleging fraud and filing lawsuits is working, consider this @YouGov poll. About 80% of his supporters are not confident that the election he lost was "held fairly."
Similarly, two-thirds of Trump voters said it is "definitely true" that "mail ballots are being manipulated to favor Joe Biden." So far, we haven't seen one shred of evidence to establish this, but the noise alone has been effective.
More than 80% of Trump supporters said that not only was this election marked by fraud, but that it was extensive enough "to influence the outcome." Again, nobody has produced evidence of large-scale fraud.
Nearly a third of Trump voters said mail ballots should not be counted. (About half said they should only be counted if received by Election Day, which is the law in some states but not in others.)
And a majority of Trump voters think the lawsuits his campaign has announced will "change the outcome of the election."
You get the idea. Link to the poll: https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/9j7sr0my95/econTabReport.pdf
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