đŸ§” The woke call the tools of science, reason, rationalism, epistemological rigour & logic- the ‘master’s tools’.

They say that the ‘master’s tools’ cannot ‘dismantle the master’s house’- based on the writing of Audre Lorde.
The difference between them & me (& those like me) is that no one is my ‘master’.

They want to make people frightened of subscribing to enlightenment values.

They are trying to undermine belief in the methodologies civilisation is built on.
By calling these the ‘master’s tools’, they bring in the connotation of slavery- so immediately paint science & reason as something sinister- because everyone reasonable obviously condemns slavery.

This is intentional. They want to remove rigour, reason, logic & common sense.
If they can convince you that science, rationalism, rigour- all the methodologies that create contact with reality are ‘bad’- they can convince you of lots of their ‘unrealities’.

As Voltaire said, ‘Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities’.
Think about that- they are problematising science in medicine.
Thank you for sharing the paper @LiamConstruct
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