http://1.FYI  the Mind control technique used in this Project Veritas Video is this: The interviewer doesn't give the postal workers mind a place to rest.
2.The PW is under high stress bc he is being interviewed by a government official. Our minds want to rest on our believed truth. We want a solid place to rest our truth and reality. Under stress, it is much easier to change what we believe to be true.
http://3.By  saying to the PW "I'm not trying to scare you. But I'm trying to scare you. I'm trying to change your mind, but I'm not trying to change your mind.", the interviewer is presenting the PW with a double bind and muddying the truth statement of the PW.
4.A foundational Mind Control technique everyday!!! Only the survivors I work with r being tortured while these double bind scripts r given to them......and they are children!!!!! Makes me mad as hell and sick to my stomach!! I hope everyone wakes up to the true magnitude of
5. what we are fighting here!!!! These people are everywhere. They have been creating their army by programming our kids for decades! They MUST be stopped!!
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