We owe it to veterans to have difficult, society-wide conversations about war and state sanctioned violence.
Can we truly “thank” our veterans when we unquestioningly support neoliberal policies that underfund veterans’ benefits?
Sure, parades and memorials are great and symbolic. But how do we reconcile the values we thank them for fighting for when democracy is being undercut at home? When we have a justice system that weighs black lives different than white lives?
Who are we “thanking” them for? Is it truly to show support? Or is it to make ourselves, civilians, feel better about our role in uncritically questioning the state that upends their lives to “protect” such American “values?”
When will we take the opportunity to put aside the all-too-often empty rhetoric of “thanks,” and instead be mindful of _how_ we support those most vulnerable in our society? Because, isn’t that what they are protecting, anyways? Our freedom? Our way of life?
Happy Veterans’ Day, if you must. But there is nothing happy about war. Thank a vet, but also support a vet. There’s a difference.
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