An Open Letter to Pastor Sam Adeyemi:

With all due respect sir, asking a needless question at this time is completely beneath you and i am dissapointed.
When a citizen has exercised his right to sue you and other people he believes are instrumental to the damage of his properties, as a pastor how can you be seen attacking a victim?
As someone we all respect, you shouldn't get yourself involved in the EndSARS propaganda. I expect that you will, by now, be playing the role of ensuring peace reigns and the government meeting the demands of the youths.
A tweet of that nature is not responsible and does not fit the personality you project. Being a pastor doesn't excuse you from answering to the court of law.
We should learn to deal with issues accordingly and appropriately. By now, we all know it is easy to unravel who is behind who and what in this new media age.
Pastor Adeyemi, if it bothers you that much, you can find this out in less than 24hours. But in my opinion, there are more pressing questions to be asked.

We cannot afford for people like you to also lose focus. PLEASE SIR, DONT JOIN THE FRAY!

Nigeria needs to be SAVED.
Thank you Sir,
- Anonymous
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