I know Trump doesn't seem to have an obvious pathway for retaining the presidency, but there's a cluster of phenomena that concerns me. It includes everything from Trump's fortification of the WH, as if it were a Medieval castle, to Pompeo's unctuous assurance of a 2nd Tr term..
4)..directors of the CIA and FBI. No, that hasn't happened yet. But this apparent pattern worries me. And I'm hardly the only one. Here's former intelligence analyst Michael Fletcher: https://mefletcher.blogspot.com/2020/11/trumps-soft-coup-attempt-and-paradox-of.html
5) Fletcher qualifies that assessment with:
6) Among those data points, I'd say what disturbs me most is Mitch McConnell's choice to back Trump's spurious vote fraud claims. Of course, he might just be acting cynically, to GOTV in Georgia for the 2 senate seat runoff election. That alone might be enough. But he's gambling
7)..with the future viability of the #Republican party. Almost all of institutional America outside McConnell's senate #GOP and Trump Administration loyalists is saying there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for Trump's fraud claims, and yet they persist. I cannot merely write off this
8)..behavior as insane, and for a variety of reasons. McConnell is a highly seasoned political known for playing hardball. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses, but he plays for keeps. And Mitch is not off in QAnon la la land. He refused to visit the WH because he thought it was
9)..a #COVID19 hotspot. And, he was proven correct. So, he's somewhat grounded in empirical reality. Does he see any upside to backing Trump now except for the January runoff election in Georgia?

But there's something else I haven't mentioned...
10) In the end, Trump came to be in the WH less because of Russian interference and far more because a massive sociopolitical movement, known as the Christian right, wanted him in the WH. This movement is over 4 decades old and has massive momentum and institutional clout & reach
11) Back in the early to mid-80s, the movement saw a lot of institution building. One initiative, called the "Coalition on Revival" mapped out in excruciating detail what Christian theocratic (or theonomic - rule by religious law) rule in America, in all sectors of society...
12)..would look like. This effort envisioned success by about 2020. Another related effort, the Council for National policy, was launched to connect funders to "doers" who would make the grand vision happen. Those were only two pieces in the grander infrastructure. There was...
13)..a legal component to the grand plan (The Federalist Society), there were analogous cadres of fanatically dedicated (to Hitler Youth levels) elite cadres of loyalists mobilized in both Protestant, Catholic, and Mormon spheres. There was a plan to saturate America, esp. the...
14)..rural parts of the nation, with anti-government, Christian nationalist propaganda that relentlessly demonized the liberal & secular opposition. A nationally-distributed militia movement with guidance from the overt Protestant theocrats known as "Christian Recontructionists"
15)..was launched to, if the economy should ever collapse, seize at least local or state-level power in various regions of the US ; the militias could also, during periods of Democratic dominance of the federal government, work to constantly challenge federal authority with...
16)..incessant claims that the feds were trampling on the freedoms of the locals. Besides the militias, many tens of billions, from billionaire funders who assemble every year at a confab known as "The Gathering" (where far right evangelicals such as the DeVos & Coors families...
17)..and other billionaire & centi-millionaire philanthropists (like the "Hobby Lobby" Greens) could meet & synchronize their philanthropic giving towards achieving Christian global hegemony. That included both advancing the schemes of the National Prayer Breakfast group..
18)..known as "The Family" (see work by Jeff Sharlet), which were focused on international influence, and also building local (US) infrastructure such as schools and a vast network of movement churches spanning the nation.

The scale of this combined effort outstrips the...
19)..imagination of all but a handful of observers. It includes the symbiosis of Protestant missionaries with covert US geopolitical machinations and with global corporate resources grabs. It included development of a dedicated, specialized line of aircraft to get missionaries...
20)..into remote jungle and mountain regions (STOL aircraft). It includes the use of thousands of anthropologists, sociologists, and linguists to develop detailed ethnolinguistic profiles of *every* distinct "people group" of over 5,000 on Earth (with ARC GIS spatial mapping too
21)..and the development of bibles translate into the languages of every one of those people groups (still in process.) It involves the infiltration of US "soft" power initiatives such as USAID. At the US national level, sophisticated psychographic software was developed to cull
22)..highly personalized data on 10s of millions of movement believers (an early iteration of this was "Monvee"). Later, such data vacuuming initiatives helped facilitate the election of Donald Trump.

Starting in the 1970s, cultic behavior modification techniques were pioneered
23)..to keep "believers" in the movement fold, highly controlled under rigid "discipleship" and "shepherding" pyramids of authority. Of course, this was a component of the plan to infiltrate every sector of society, and ever professional specialization, with believers, to conquer
24)..the so-called "7 Mountains"...

Well, I have to get on with my day. Let me conclude with this - the absurdly complex sociopolitical movement - of which I've here described *some* of the components - envisioned back gaining complete control in the US sometime around 2020...
25)..and Trump seems to be their best shot for that. They control most of his cabinet, he accedes to their agenda (it's transactional - they let him steal, he lets them theocracy.)

I don't know what they are planning, but I not think they will give up so easily.

The End.
PS - I *hate* grammatical errors, but this one seemed like a timely missive to bat-outa-hell bang out as fast as my primitive typing could manage. So it goes.
PPS - and yes, I *do* have detailed receipts for all the claims made herein.
PPPS - sorry if I can't response quickly to anybody who reads this. I'm off to do some concrete work (and I mean literal concrete, the gravely substance you mix with water.)
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