
I have been at a certain point where I was feeling puzzled at the turn of events in our world of narratives

There is a famous TV news anchor, famous more for a theatrical presentation of his take on and choice of narratives


He took on the high, mighty, corrupt, murderous, execrable & monstrous folks – no doubt.

He raised the voice on matters that other news media refused to even acknowledge.


He took a contra position against the MSM presentations and garnered market leadership through his channels – both in English & Hindi

Clearly, his agenda worked with the masses & his audience size too grew.


The Sanatani in me, and the non-Republic watching Indian in me remembers with angst & anger that this same anchor took an offensive (IMHO) stand against causes I believed in sincerely – Shankaracharya’s arrest & acquittal later & Sabarimala’s cause.


Along with the same, his provocative presentations (not abusive, however grating on the ear) got to the goat of the HMCMEM folks.

This had to happen, and it happened.


He had it coming, and what surprised me was his blasé posture about it, almost being non-chalant.

Now comes the next player here … the Judiciary, whom I love to call Justitutes.


When everything in this country and our society is available at a cost for an amoral gain, why should Justice alone be left behind?


The one who waxed eloquent about “Justice being a form of self-expression”, the one who is next-in-line to become CJI, the one who is famous for being infamous & nepotistic, is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with our justice system & its shenanigans.

We all know about the Judge called $aini (the $ sign being an indicator of what works), the Judge called MuraliDHAN (should that be DHAR?), or Judge Bha-NO-mathi, or the new one (to us) called Judge Shind€ …


To expect justice from this system is fruitless, pointless and almost asking for a non-existent zombie to take away your sins on the wooden planks he allegedly was crucified in. So why do we harbour such expectations is my constant query to self


This tweet is a funny one - sometimes hot, sometimes cold is how this man behaves

Doc @rashmiprasan - your thoughts? https://twitter.com/vivekagnihotri/status/1325990274485510144?s=20

We now have a third party at play – the Antonio-Sharad-Shavasena combine. Vindictive, powerful, determined not to go down without a fight, connected, vicious, venomous and fanatical.

They did what they do best.

Silence their critics & send out a strong message to others who took vicarious pleasure in the way the news anchor took on the HMCMEM folks.

We have the fourth leg of the stool here – that is our hope & our protagonist.

I personally believe in & swear by NaMo.

I believe in India more than him.


I repose my faith in my Dharma more than my Desh too.

Here, I find NaMo hand-tied, yet wanting.

NaMo is known for his inscrutable ways, stealth manoeuvres, and decisive closure plays.


He has been active, however, on a lot of other “seemingly frivolous” fronts like expressing happiness or sorrow (as relevant) for an actress’ accident case, despite her being a “tauntress” and who is well past her dented, painted and mashed up imagery; ...

or, for a terrorist attack in far & distant Timbuktoo or Tristan da Cunha.

I am, deep in my heart, convinced that he has chosen to project an image of a prisoner of circumstances. He isn’t, he needn’t be - yet he has chosen to be seen so.


He is, to quote an analogy, the Bindiya Naik of the Chak De Indian Hockey Team .. she is a distracter yet solid performer.

The interesting part here is the good cop, bad cop routine played by both NaMo and AmiSha.


I love that play & I am confident that their judgment will be flawless and their delivery will be stealthy, clinical, precise & completely devastating (in both good & bad ways, for believers & naysayers)

So why isn’t he responding to these events surrounding Arnab?

My question is “Should he? Can he?”

I leave it to the reader's intellect to discern my thought process there.


The fifth leg of the table is the supporters (hot, cold, lukewarm, bench, cat-on-wall, etc.) gang.

I think we love emotional & external triggers, me included.


Have gone thru the rigmarole & called NaMo names earlier, but later I learnt the merits of patience.

I am holding on to that learning, like life depends on it (it does, methinks).

We can cool down on our anxieties, and hold our expressions back.


I have chosen to read up and respond later – even if it is too late to opine.

I hear people (whom I love & respect much) choosing to call others Bhajan Mandali or Bhakts or even Andh Bhakts


Frankly, I believe it is their right to opine & their FOE … am NOT offended by it

I am not going to unfollow them because they say so

I think they are going thru their own roller coasters & hence expressing it differently


They don’t become adversaries because of the same, methinks!

In sum, it is a bowl of potpourri or spaghetti … adding emotions to this bowl can make it very damaging.


I had learnt it in the past and my absence from Twitter this time helped me see the events pan across all these five stakeholders from a distance.

I rest my case:

I’d trust NaMo’s judgment (his dubious tweets on some matters & inscrutable silence on some others notwithstanding),

Arnab had it coming (playing it without discretion, but he is a huge voice to amplify the general cause we seek amplification of)

The Evil Axis members will writhe in pain & flail the arms around (few more years pending and we need to bide our time), justice will be half-heartedly served (public scrutiny leaves them little choice)


And finally, the Supporters like us will continually get overwhelmed by the roller coaster rides we will subject to in this great country of ours (let us learn to take it in our stride).

Tagging with deliberate intent ..

@KaaviKural and @paanagam 😇
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