🔜 The Grand Final Careers Panel is up! Your host @ElleOsiliWood & our line-up of panellists discuss careers, advice & how to make it in the games industry, live in #AnimalCrossing!🎮👀 #DSHcareers #DSHesports

Watch the panel live from 12:15pm💪 http://Twitch.tv/DSH_tv 
. @wayne_emanuel "studied marketing and biz studies and found my way into industry working on Candy Crush as one of my first jobs at King"
@JDWasabi. "I studied music tech and attended a lot of games networking events"
. @NidaAhmad_ "I joined my university's games society and participated in game jams through which I got an internship. My job (UX) is to ensure that the players' voices are at the centre of design. Psychology helps us understand what they like which is fed back to our designers."
. @JDWasabi "we think about how we match the music with the energy of the gameplay or perhaps we don't do that to create a different mood. If a design has fast animation the music should do something to elevate that part of the game. We communicate with music"
. @Abzybabzy "when it comes to the developer side of things, it's me coming up with ideas and them saying "no! that's crazy". It's me communicating and talking to the team and seeing how our players feel"
. @wayne_emanuel "my role is very business focused. it's about relationship management - speaking to triple As and indie studios. I work with brands and agencies across our games. We find ways we can find value for our brands"
. @Abzybabzy "I think the key things that are useful for my job is talking to other game devs and gaining knowledge. For me, I learnt about elements of play and different systems - talking to the programming and audio teams and working out what language is neccessary."
. @NidaAhmad_ "UX is a broad discipline but a lot of what it comes down to is helping your team understand the problems they have e.g. feedback on a certain feature issue for example. It's an empathy driven role - for your players and your team members."
. @wayne_emanuel "digital skills are important, for example photoshop. There's project management, campaign management. It's useful to make it clear what your objectives are. For me, having knowledge of the industry is really beneficial"
Great tip from . @ElleOsiliWood: "do your research and get to understand the game eco-system"
. @JDWasabi "It's okay to figure out what you are doing. There is a place for you in industry somehow. Build up your soft skills. It's a marathon, not a sprint"
. @NidaAhmad_ "I do a lot of workshops around standardisation and defining what our key game design principles are. It's an ongoing process. It's a challenge but a fun one!"
. @wayne_emanuel "My first role wasn't in the games industry so to get into the industry it was about using my transferable skills. The audience demographic has changed for games so changing people's perception of that has been a challenge."
"Something our industry thrives on is knowing how to work with other people" - @ElleOsiliWood
. @JDWasabi "Maintain a healthy relationship between work and yourself and don't compare yourself to others. Go at your own pace."
. @JDWasabi "My highlight (career) was when I got my first gig & we got to travel. We went to Gamescom to show off our product and to Taiwan and Japan. Now that I've experienced it, I remember it as a time where I got to meet new people and see cool games being developed."
. @NidaAhmad_"My highlight is meeting people through @pocinplay. We've had over a couple hundred people using our hashtag #IamPOCinPlay across the world! I'm looking forward to continuing our work."
. @wayne_emanuel "One of my highlights is working on a partnership with Universal Music but my biggest career highlight today is my work with @WarChild_Gaming - the industry and the charity embraced us with a lot of the ideas I had."
. @Abzybabzy "One of the big things I've learnt is that you can't plan for anything. As an actor, a game dev & human being you need to constantly assess the space you're in to make sure you are enjoying it! If you really love it & commit to it 100% you'll get a lot more out of it"
. @JDWasabi "I tried to plan my career but it didn't work out for me. If you are a person that plans out everything though and you can hit your own goals, then go for it!"
. @NidaAhmad_ "Put yourself out there and be proactive about your approach. I used Twitter and attended networking events. Through that you build a lot of friendships. There will always be hurdles but if you have a good network you'll be fine"
. @wayne_emanuel "Don't just focus on the entertainment side of things. Read games industry news such as @GIBiz @uk_ie, look at places like LinkedIn and see what skills you need for roles you like."
. @Abzybabzy "Have an ear to the ground. Communication is key. Talking & asking questions - there is no such thing as a stupid question - is so important. The more you talk, the more accessible and open it (the convo) becomes. YouTube is an amazing resource to learn about design"
. @JDWasabi "Try things out. If you aren't very technically sure - check out a tutorial - give it go! My advice is to give things a go, find your feet, find your voice and find what you want to create. You'll find the communities that will help you."
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