Best to all on this 2020 Veterans’ Day!

Some have suggested vets post pictures in uniform. But...I’m going to post a few w those met among the way.

Here’s CSM Roger Blackwell, sharing thanksgiving dessert on top of Mt Sinjar. One of the best soldiers I’ve ever met. 1/
Here’s LTC (Dr) Kamal Kalsi, who was brave and courageous in combat and in making changes in the Army. dear friend & patriot. 2/
Here are 3 WWII veterans who parachuted into Normandy, at a reunion at St Mere Eglise, 68 years after they fought for freedom on the European continent. One of them now sadly gone to higher ground. 3/
A group of veterans conducting a change of command in @1stArmoredDiv , just a few months ago. Representing family & the constant changing of duty and responsibility. 4/
Here’s a soldier I met at the School of Bands, who was conducting an inventory of the instruments she was responsible for maintaining. Representing one of the hundred of jobs our veterans take pride in. 5/
Here’s our Bradley crew from Desert Storm, taken the morning after the Battle of Medina Ridge. We were soldiers once, and young...and realizing what it meant to be a veteran. 6/
Here are some faces of young and old veterans, coming together as a team with the look of pre-mission anxiety and determination. 7/
Here are some faces of allied veterans who we always train with, fight with, and work to develop trust with...this time at an exercise above the Arctic Circle. 8/
Here are a company of veterans - a high performing team - who came together then like they do everyday to protect our Constitution and accomplish whatever mission they are assigned. 9/
And here’s one special fellow veteran, who was both a boss and a best friend, and with whom i shared service,values and ethos 10/
And here’s a vets spouse, who wore countless ribbons and medals on her hearts. They also serve the nation, even though they have not signed ant enlistment contract. 11/
Yes, happy Veterans Day to all who have worn the cloth of our country, and the family and loved ones who have done so as well. I know I speak for most when I say it is an honor to serve this great country... long may our national values be our guide. 12/end
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