The headlines on SF preventing natural gas hook ups in new construction made me realize something. Progressivism is regressive. Not only in energy and technology, but socially too.

A long winded thread bc I can’t sleep.

What’s the key takeaway from the book Frankenstein?
The ugly truth of human nature is that we hate in others the things we hate in ourselves. Why is being “woke” synonymous w a person who exhibits a high probability of accusing others constantly of being racist? They see the evil in their own heart and project that on others.
Perhaps some “thou doth protest too much”? For your consideration, I present some observations.

The tendency of progressives to aggregate in certain institutions and places that are devoid of true diversity. Where do we see hyper progressivism?
To answer that lets consider how progressives live their lives and what their objectives are. One, they aggregate in communities that are very expensive. Boulder, CO. SF etc etc. No better barrier to true diversity, which is econ diversity, than being surrounded by 7 figure
homes. This creates homogenous communities and “public” school systems. Even the menial jobs become filled w people just like you, eg CU Boulder students wait your tables and bartend. So even in the few day-to-days you perform that would expose you to working class people
are now filled w people just like you.

Education? What is real education? Historically it meant well rounded. Now it means checking the boxes to get into the best schools. Why is getting into these schools so important? What do state schools have that elite
academic institutions don’t? Real diversity. There’s nothing diverse about an education that costs 1/4 million. That’s distilled homogeneity.

Next step? Law school or MBA. What does this ensure? You will never at any point in your life deal w working class people now.
Also, now you get to move to a community where homogeneity reigns. From birth to job you have locked in your kids lives to never have any contact w people who aren’t just like you and now hopefully them. Mission accomplished.

This is a deep sin for the
progressives and they know it. How do they atone for this? Virtue signal, protest mobs, (w your like minded college pals) and cancel people on the internet.

A thought experiment. Let’s say (God forbid) your child needs brain surgery. What do you do? Find the best person
for the job. You don’t start w the criteria that they need to be a woman or minority and no progressive would act any differently. So the fact is there’s a line in the sand where their ideals don’t match actions. That’s called hypocrisy.

When I look at progressive gov programs I
believe there is inherent classism and therefore racism in them. Statistically the upper class is white and lower class black. When you look at what their policies actually do it’s not an attempt to level the playing field and break the cycle
of poverty. Progressive ideals do the exact opposite. The remove incentive for people to elevate themselves. They pay them off. There’s no emphasis on early childhood development programs. They decriminalize drugs which keeps the lower class down thereby
keeping themselves up.

So the conclusion is that there’s a massive discrepancy between how they live their lives (hard to do) and what they say (easy to do). The core of the oppressive big city elite progressive is steeped in racism.

Final random addition. There is one
more logical step in Godwins Law based on this line of thinking. He who accuses others of being “hitler” or “fascists” is probably the fascist in the conversation.
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