When they elect me President, if I can't convince enough people to pass a handful of Amendments to abolish the office and change to a Parliamentary system, I am going to so weaken the Executive Branch that the POTUS will have to ask the Speaker of the House for bathroom breaks.
Be like NXIVM on Pennsylvania Avenue. "Speaker, please may I hold a press conference."
We just have to stop thinking we're going to elect a magician to the Oval Office that will somehow save us from our problems. We need to understand that all the things we want to fix are laws that come from Congress.
Obama passed the ACA with a super majority, and it was a near thing. Barring those rare occurrences, we just muddle along for decades before getting anything done. System is broke, y'all. Time to start thinking about what significant changes look like.
Not talking the electoral college or the legislative filibuster: How might our government be forced to work again? My suggestion is a parliamentary system. But barring some significant changes I'm not sure how we get this done. term limits? I'll listen but not convinced.
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