1. In professional sales, there is a tactic called the "assumed close" and this is what Democrats and the media are using on the American public right now, with regards to the election.
@ScottAdamsSays is an expert on persuasion, perhaps he can fact check me on this.
2. Here's how the "assumed close" works.
I'm a car salesman. You are the customer. You have settled on a specific car. You liked the test drive and the price is pretty much OK too, but you're still sitting on the fence.
3. How do I get you to accept the sale? I start talking about the car as if the deal is already closed. I'm just assuming. I might say something like: Three months from now, when you bring it in for your first oil change, be sure to stop by my desk. We'll get a coffee.
4. If I get the sense that you need more prodding, I go further: By the way, you did say you wanted to finance most of this, right? Let me get the paperwork started so you won't have to wait long.
5. If you don't object to that, I then try to confirm your commitment to the sale: I'm going to need a copy of your license. The moment you reach for your wallet, I know we're done.
6. That's the assumed close. I didn't wait for you to say yes. I just assumed the answer was yes and prodded you into my preferred outcome. That's what Democrats and the media are doing by repeating over and over that Biden has already won.
ADDENDUM: This is what I'm talking about. The election hasn't been certified and there are multiple states which still have not reported their outcome but the media is using closing language. "The incoming Biden administration"
They want you to believe the deal is already done.
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