(1/2) Ok, so what happened today on #Ethereum🦄:

1. At some point Ethereum developers introduced a change in the code that led today to a chain split starting from block 11234873 (07:08 UTC)

2. Those who haven’t upgraded ( @Blockchair, @infura_io, some miners, and many others)…
(2/2)… got stuck on a minority chain (~30 blocks in 2 hours)

3. Technically, that was an unannounced hard fork. Something similar happened to #Bitcoin 7 years ago when there was a database upgrade: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0050.mediawiki

4. Fix: upgrade geth and run debug.setHead(11234872)
In my opinion, today’s consensus failure in #Ethereum🦄 shouldn’t be underestimated and should be considered as the most serious issue Ethereum has faced since the DAO debacle 4 years ago. An investigation is in order.
You can follow @nikzh.
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