Herewith, my most fearmongering conspiracy-theory doom prediction about the US election, which genuinely scares me just a little bit.
I don't think anyone in the Trump camp (except possibly the man himself) seriously expects to win these court challenges and get the election overturned. But what if that's not their goal? And all they want is to sow enough distrust and anger in their base?
As we know from past experience, a lot of these people are shockingly easy to persuade, whether it's about Obama's birth certificate or a paedophile pizza chain. And I'm seeing plenty of people buying into the line about corruption and 'illegal votes'.
So what happens next? Is this just laying the groundwork to undermine Biden until the next election, or are they setting their sights closer than that? What happens if they call on their followers, implicitly or explicitly, to overthrow the new government?
Remember, a lot of these people are heavily armed 2nd Amendment nuts who have been waiting all their lives for this moment. And lots of them already feel like their country has been stolen from them, by liberals and, more honestly, other races.
Worse still, there's every chance the police and armed forces might support them. In the wake of recent unrest, lots of them are fearful of Biden following through on 'defund the police' calls, and Trump has been fanning those flames very vigorously.
If it happened, Biden would be in a really tough position, potentially facing the decision whether to order the military to fire on US citizens on home soil.
My point is: the end game here may well not be the courts but actual armed insurrection, and it's a far less ludicrously inconceivable scenario than I'm comfortable with.
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