RETWEET! SOMETHING ODD IN NYC! I was today when I notice that all the stores & shops were taking their window boards down. I ask why they were taking them down... they all said Biden won so it was over. They all have no idea that this isn’t over. The MSM is lying to the public!
So I decided to check out a few news sites and found that they haven’t changed any of the states. Not to mention nothing in the MSM about the software that flipped the votes from Trump to Biden.
Also noticing that we (Trump supporters) are being Censored to all the normies. I have put up quite a few pretty harsh tweets & not one libtard has said anything which is stage to me... I mean this would set off any libtard 👇👇
In the end this is dangerous. The MSM is hiding the truth from the public. So when Trump does win their will be mass riots thru every major city & no one will be prepared for it.
I wanna add this..since the MSM isn’t posting any of the truth this can be spun around as a coup against Biden. The problem with this none of the Normies know that he is NOT THE PRESIDENT ELECT! We have major treason going on! FAR AS IM CONCERNED MSM IS A THREAT TO NATION!
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