After long chat with @SaHreports last night, he told me this cartoon was result of a day spent at Stonehenge enquiry, overhearing conversations in 2018.

But, even if intended in jest, there's some hefty + unpleasant accusations contained within that need clarifying.

Firstly, EH trying to up revenue thru parking + pay to view - having been around SH enquiries + knowing those involved for 25+ years I have never heard this hinted, let alone part of the plan. For many years archs have discussed how best Stonehenge can be accessed and situated.
Wessex Archaeology - yes there are tendered contracts. Publically available.

Also confidentially clauses are standard in big projects - but the quotes in the cartoon make it sound insidious. It isn't.
Blick Mead - this site does not meet the threshold for scheduling. The site is resistant to arch oversight + has not submitted research to peer review.

It will be outside of the boundary of the Stonehenge tunnel works and there is no plan to touch the site, let alone plough it.
Once again. Look at all the evidence. Not just that shouted loudly at you.

And no matter what the rights and wrongs of this tunnel, let's keep it to evidenced debate. Not conspiracy theory and mud slinging.

Thank you. 😊
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