- New allowances for consensual sex could go some way to helping repeal archaic rape laws, where women can't report rape as it's considered sex before marriage
- No mention of LGBTQ rights, abortion or pregnancy out of wedlock
- Decriminalisation of alcohol & co-habitation reforms will also impact family law
- While drinking alcohol or living together while unmarried is unlikely to get a person penalised as an isolated offence, it's often used as ammunition in divorce cases

“People didn’t want to go to court for issues with their children, as they drink or live with someone not married & no one wants to risk that criminality. It was an impediment for people to access the justice system, becoming the bigger issue than what they needed help with”

- Emirati analyst believes the reforms has been a long time coming, local population is on board & there is more to come
- "This brings the country up to international standards"
- UK expert on GCC believes announcement could've come as knee-jerk reaction to Biden presidency

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