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Analysis of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The real winner of this conflict was undoubtedly RUSSIA. Despite having a defense ...
agreement with Armenia, Russia had been deciding for several years to finalize a peace plan to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to satisfy both its important business partner, the Baku government, and to some extent Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Comments made Monday night by Armenian Prime Minister Pashinian indicate that in 2018, the plan, also known as the Lavrov Plan, had been presented to Pashinian by Russia, which had faced opposition.
Russia cleverly allowed the start and continuation of the war in the Nagorno-Karabakh region over the past 45 days, left Turkey's hand open to massive arms and military support to the Government of Baku, and
imposed the conditions for accepting the Russian plan on Pashinian and Armenia without special assistance to the Armenian side.
Finally, after 45 days of fighting and given the conditions on the battlefield, both sides were forced to accept Russia's peace plan. The initial peace agreement signed in nine articles has many vague points, but the clearest issue was Russia's show of force.
Russia's decision to have an independent Russian military presence in sensitive areas and hotspots, as well as full control of the two routes of connection (Qarah-e-Kohistani to Armenia/Republic of Baku to Nakhchivan) by Russian forces demonstrates
Russia's plan to fully control developments in the South Caucasus.
Under Article 9 of the agreement, the Republic of Baku's connection to the Nakhchivan region, which is scheduled to be built over the next three years, will be controlled and managed by Russian military and border forces,
which practically takes the initiative from the Government of Baku and Ankara for any adventure.
Turkey found virtually no place in the agreement, despite all the financial and weapons costs it had in 45 days of war. After President Aliyev's comments on Turkey's role in the future of regional peace,
the Russian Foreign Ministry immediately rejected this, insisting that Turkey had no place in the deal.

Surely Turkey will send the bills of all expenses to Baku for repayment during the recent battle.
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