Has the mainstream media been impartial during the Trump presidency?

Is it the media’s job to report news or shape narratives?

All American media are owned by 5 companies. Too much influence in too few hands. What happened to diversity?
The telecommunications act of 1996 paved the way for the sort of media we have today. The act signed by Democrat Bill Clinton allowed for “media cross ownership.” Leave it to Democrats to undermine black inclusion. Just look at what happened to black owned radio as a result.
Black people complain about gentrification but it’s only liberals/democrats gentrifying your neighborhoods. Blacks complain about “lack of access” but it’s consistently Democrats reducing your access with laws like the telecommunications act while pointing at the GOP bogeyman.
It’s really sad how the same media monopoly created by Democrats now saturate the airwaves with propaganda convincing Black people Democrats are their friends. For the dim witted I’m not telling you the GOP is the answer. I’m just telling you the Democrats ain’t your “friends.”
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