We want to be a first world developed country like America, but we will never be one because of this one prickly little thing our loudmouthed conservative masses seem to love:


The one thing America really REALLY treasures is their right to free speech. And there is a big reason behind it.

When you have free speech, you are allowed to express unfiltered ideas. When you are allowed to express ideas, it pushes social boundaries.
When a human mind is allowed to wander around and interact with people without filters, collaboration happens.

When you push social boundaries, innovation happens.

It's that simple. You need a free environment where innovation is ALLOWED to happen.
Collaboration, Innovation, pushing boundaries.

These are the terms our current government peeps love to use, but never seem to understand. They use it to project India as a forward thinking country, but in reality, they're just empty fancy sounding words.
So yes, keep banning content you don't like.
Keep giving a free pass to loud mobs to threaten businesses.
Use bots to trend shit that hurts your fickle fragile sentiments.
Don't let people speak.

Because that's the way you prevent India from developing.
For a more detailed look at how Governments can use our shitty free speech laws to curb innovation & ideas, watch this.

Some examples used here are a bit dated. But overall, it's still very relevant.
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