I'm rereading @MLM_Mayhem's Demarcation & Demystification for our double book launch. And just an observation, but if you're interested in Badiou as systematic philosopher or his politics (especially via Marx, Lenin, Mao) you really should read D&D and Critique of Maoist Reason.
To be more precise. I don't know a lot of the philosophy literature on Badiou's politics anymore, but most critiques are disciplinary: did Badiou read a text right? What kind of Marxist is he? Where does he fit in post-68 French theory?
Moufawad-Paul has the philosophy background, and uses some of Badiou's choice terms (truth, forcing, a few others), but shows how Badiou's ontological turn had some serious consequences for his politics.
To defeat Heidegger in ontology, Badiou took the L in politics. Badiou's philosophical project is laudable within the niche of continental philosophy; but trying to anchor politics in ontology, rather than historical class struggle is a huge failure.
Moufawad-Paul spells this out clearly in Critique of Maoist Reason: Badiou makes all kinds of claims about Marxist/MLM practice, but his scope is eurocentric and divorced from an internationalist perspective. CMR is available through @FLP_books here: https://foreignlanguages.press/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/N05-Critique-of-Maoist-Reason-3rd-Printing.pdf
1) this is my summary and JMP allows for more nuance.
2) this is all very niche. @austin_hayden you'll probably the only person who really digs this thread.
Oh, and the link to the launch: https://twitter.com/devinzshaw/status/1321171197665505280?s=20
You can follow @devinzshaw.
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