What does it mean for the average user? Well, the content you watch and savour on your favourite platforms such as Netflix/Hostar etc will now be under the watch of the regulator. The govt will have greater control on how you will Netflix and chill in the future.
The shows and documentaries will have to pass the litmus test prescribed by the govt, and if they don't, then the regulator will be well within its right to either censor the content or ban it from being shown in India.
Could this impact creativity? Absolutely. Will this impact the business side of things? I think so.
Its is still early days on how govt will seek to regulate online content now. The hope is that they will act neutral and act to prescribed rules, ethics and codes that are unbiased and do not favour any political ideologies or leanings.
Its also significant to note that online news platforms such as @scroll_in @thewire_in etc. will now be regulated by the govt. So its not just the content you see that will be vetted, but the news you consume on the internet too!
It will be interesting to see how govt. defines 'news platforms', 'fils and AV programmes'.
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