Uganda’s population is estimated at 46,200,987. According to @StatisticsUg, over 51% are female, 4 in every 10 adults (45%) are aged 18-30 years.
As we head to the general elections, let us look at how women are represented in Uganda's public sector. #UGWomenInPublicSector
The 1995 constitution recognizes equality of women and men, the Local Governments Act (1997) provides for one-third representation of women in local councils. the Act also specifies at least one of the representatives for special groups must be a woman. #UGWomenInPublicSector
According to the UBOS , the 10th Parliament (2016-2021) comprises a 35% representation for women up from 14% in the 5th parliament in context of an increased number of districts through which majority of women MPs are elected on the affirmative action seat. #UGWomenInPublicSector
In addition, the 10th Parliament has a female Speaker, the 1st and 2nd ever female Leaders of the Opposition. Women are increasingly leading Parliamentary Committees. Out of the 28 committees in Parliament, 11 are chaired by women. #UGWomenInPublicSector
By 2016, women cabinet ministers accounted for 36% and state ministers account for 30%, compared to 64% and 30% respectively, for men. #UGWomenInPublicSector
Currently, 2019/2020 there are 10 women cabinet ministers (32%) out of 31 (68% male) and 17 women ministers of state (35%) out of 49 (65% male). #UGWomenInPublicSector
According to a report on gender participation in governance; there are only 3 district chairpersons out of 146 districts. #UGWomenInPublicSector
Women’s representation in political positions at both Parliament and local council levels is on affirmative action.
Out of 3,280 representatives in district councils, 1,364 were women which is 41.6 % of the total. Likewise, the proportion of women councilors and chairpersons in municipality and sub-county were 41.9% respectively in 2016. #UGWomenInPublicSector
Out of the entire public service of over 250,000 employees, females account for only 33%. While progress has no doubt been made, job allocation in public service at senior level is still significantly skewed towards men. #UGWomenInPublicSector
Only 34% of women are directors compared to their male counterparts, and this is compounded at assistant commissioner levels where only 48 out of 209 officers are female (23%). #UGWomenInPublicSector
Among town clerks and Chief administrative officers, only 7.1% and 8.6% of officers are female, leaving a huge gender gap in local government administration in the upper echelon of district and town leadership. 
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