-The Egyptian Papyrus of Ebers (1552 BC) contains an observation on hernias.
-Hippocrates (400 BC) differentiated between hernia and hydrocele.
-Celsus (14 BC–AD 50) was one of the first that described surgical approach to the inguinal hernia.
-Galeno (129–199 AD) described the correct anatomy of the inguinal canal.
-Paolo d’Egina (6th century AD) described his intervention of inguinal hernia.
-Guy De Chauliac (1300) was the first that distinguished inguinal to the femoral herniation.
-Guido Lanfranchi (1300) suggested to avoid cord section.
-Girolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente (1533–1619) described the cord dissection and the division of spermatic vessel from the sac.
-Practica copiosa was the first book about etiology and treatment of hernia by Stromayr in 1559
-Antonio Scarpa, a great anatomist, and Sir Astley Cooper, who defined the transversalis fascia position (1750-1865).
-Franz Hesselbach described the homonymous triangle which is now very important in laparoscopic surgery.
-Edoardo Bassini first operated a patient for hernia with his novel technique (Christmas night, 1889).
-Some modified versions were suggested (Mugnai, Ferrari, Postemski).
-McVay popularized the Cooper’s ligament repair.
-In the late 1940s, Shouldice refined the Bassini inguinal hernia repair.
-Usher in 1958 performed the first mesh repair.
-Lichtenstein tension-free hernioplasty, introduced in 1984.
-Trabucco in 1989 proposed a tension-free sutureless technique.
-Currently, the most widely used laparoscopic techniques for inguinal hernia repair are the transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair, the intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM) repair, and the totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair.
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