first time watching sound of music here we GO
intro gives me The Shining vibes
the hills are ALIVE
unrelated but why the fuck can’t there be a woman pope
nuns are weird right? like so weird
this movie is 3 hours long but did the nuns have to have this long of a song
the nuns be gossiping
maria be minding her business
on the subject of seemingly iconic movies that i have missed, i miss movies like this because my parents are immigrants and didnt show me shit, ive had to teach myself american movies and music besides disney shit. i think it’s a common thread among first generation kids
maria walking through austria is fun i love the frame
julie andrews is a PERFORMER wow what a gal
oh they RICH rich
THE HOUSE! the whole thing so fare is beautifully shot
awh she’s so cute
me: is the captain hot
*he’s standing in the doorway*
me: oh alright
these kids are supposed to be ANTI-nazis?
friedrick has crazy eyes, all these kids are out of pocket
“haven’t seen forgotten tl thank the lord”

the look the captain gave is the same i gave LOL
i love that julie andrew’s plays the petty card
louisa omg that’s my daughter
liesl and this boy, wait bruh is he a nazi. i would not get this if i was a kid.

this rolf song is a little rude but the song is cute
bitch rolf you’re only fucking 17 dude u don’t know THAT much more than liesl
kiss me in the glass gazebo so i know it’s real
the gazebo is the best architectural structure
jk i know this song, but it’s always used during christmas time but like it has nothing to do with christmas
hello enemies to lovers community
i want matching fits like the von trap kids with my family
they came around to her pretty quick i’m glad
DO RE MI slaps my ass is moving
this song is cute awh
young julie andrew’s is so beautiful wowowowowowowowowoow
katie this screams your aesthetic, did the life imitate the art who can say
lol local urchins call me a local urchin daddy von trapp
it’s not the governess’s fault that she isn’t julie andrew’s she’s fine
the captain said “love yourself” where is BTS now
when rolf says “heil hitler”

awh they fall into the water 🥺
captain von trapp has 7 kids, you know he FUCKS
okay kids never knowing how to sing/play guitar -> cut to them singing to the governess with perfect harmony
okay the pay off with the captain singing with them is beautiful
“i- behaved badly” oof yes that feels good when men realize how trash they are
omg lonely goatherd WHAT
this is a complete surprise i did not expect this amazing production design these kids are powerful THE TALENT
lonely goatherd got pinocchio QUAKING
captain von trapp where is your fancam
this party is fucking fantastic. the WEALTH
as an only child this movie really punched me in the face and said LOOK AT THE DELIGHT
i want the captain’s party fit
the theme of the sound of music is FAMILY
the governess gives me bad bitch lesbian vibes
imagine living in this amazing house with these kids who love u and being like oh no i have to be a NUN
so that’s a good spot for intermission i really quite like that
ahh the classic parenting strategy of “i’m a bad parent so let’s send the kids off to boarding school”
the hills are alive song is so good it really feels so nice 🥰
they visit 🥺
awh being a nun would literally suck so much
reverend mother said “getting that dick doesn’t mean you’ll love god less” and she is right
every scene at the abbey is eh 😅
favorite things with maria returning has same energy as endgame with everyone returning
for someone who said i’d regret that i said the abbey is a boring location, i’ll say it again, the wedding scene exists in a different plane of existence 💕
the wedding is beautiful 🤩 idk what more u want from me
Ah yes the nazi part, is this where the movie becomes inglorious bastards
i want to see the captain kill some nazis
sorry yall, something good was fucking amazing here’s my obligatory tweet where i state my allegiance to captain and maria
leisl should kill rolf no cap
i was eating while watching the something good scene and it was so good i couldn’t tweet
the captain ripping the nazi swastika has same energy as captain america ripping the log in half
leisl, girl you can do so much better than a nazi
awh the 16 going on 17 reprise is cute, wholesome content
holy shit are the von trapps ASYLUM SEEKERS
as a kid of two vietnamese parents who escaped their country during the war, i do get extra invested in these things
the power of music is beautiful i don’t care that it’s cheesy it’s true
even hitler simps for captain von trapp that he wants him in the army
i hope they win the concert at least, if they’re gonna be separated bc of WWII at least give them the prize
rolf being a terrible nazi is so disappointing come on if he kills the captain i’ll be so upset
captain should’ve shot him in the mouth when he had the chance
i take back everything i said about nuns after i saw them sabotage the nazi cars. amen you bad bitches
beautiful, just beautiful! what a lovely musical with such enchanting music such a strong cast!

Thank you all for joining me on my first watch! i hope to have given you a bit of the joy i felt while watching this movie.

so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight ✨
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